Overview of ICON P-Rep Candidates
As we have said in our previous article there are 43 P-Rep Candidates that seek to represent ICONists (as of July 5th, with more being added daily). These P-Reps are comprised of teams from all over the world, with unique skill sets and goals.
The full active list of P-Rep candidates is located at: https://icon.community/iconsensus/candidates/
Location: The 43 P-Rep candidates are headquartered in the following regions: 16 in Asia, 15 in North America, 10 in Europe and 2 in Africa.
We don’t have any candidates headquartered in South America or Australia (although Australia does have representation on P-Rep teams).
Structure of P-Reps Candidates:
Many candidates have a prioritized focus. Since there are different focuses and strengths for each team, it is important to vote for multiple teams to ensure a diverse set of P-Reps with different focus areas and strengths.
There are candidates focused on ICON Community and outreach: RHIZOME, ICONation, and Ubik are working hard for ICON Community by creating an interesting content (through articles and YouTube videos), helping ICON members by answering questions, engaging with the community through Telegram and Reddit, and spreading ICON awareness outside the community through Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, word-of-mouth, and more!
Some teams are focused on expanding ICON global reach: ICONNECT, ICON Nexus, and Gilga Capital are excellent examples of this, with planned expansion into Africa (x2) and Canada, respectively.
Some teams are focused on novel and useful ICON applications and technical improvement of ICON: Draicon Ball, Portal Network, and Refereum are examples of these.
Several P-Rep candidates are running successful ICON DApps: Velic, SOMESING and weBloc Asia. These ICON DApps are covered in a previous article.
There are candidate teams that are have formed companies focused on specialization in blockchain technology: Infinity Stones, Certik, Noris, Chainode Capital, Blockaccel, and DE-Light are examples of such teams.
Some P-Reps are focused on expanding investment opportunities for ICON: teams like Chain Partners, Paradigm Citadel, and Staked.
These are just examples of the broad focus and strengths of some of the ICON P-Rep candidates. Many of these candidates have multiple strengths and focus areas (e.g. In the case of Ubik Capital, we are focused on ICON community and outreach, but also have experience running multiple blockchains staking nodes, security, and plan to launch DApps and application improvements for ICON in the future!). We tried to give an overview of the #1 focus for each team and apologize for the teams we missed. This is by no means an exhaustive list: I encourage every ICONist to browse through the applications of teams they’re interested in to learn more!
You have a lot of options — choose carefully and vote in the best interest of ICON Network, starting from August.
If you’re interested in joining the P-Rep ranks and running a node, please check out the icon community webpage for more information. Feel free to reach out to Ubik with any questions you have!
Please come vote in our P-Rep Telegram poll and let us know what you’re looking for in the perfect P-Rep candidate!
Why would you choose a specific P-Rep?
- Community involvement
- Own stake size
- % rewards used to improve icon network, applications
- Involvement in icon projects
- Node security and configuration
- Team makeup and team background
- TestNet 1 & TestNet 2 Participation
We hope Ubik encompasses much of what ICONists are looking for in their P- Reps! We are keeping a pulse on the community and are willing to change to better serve the ICON community if we are misaligned with the community goals and priorities!
If you have any questions please contact us: contact@ubik.capital or follow us on Twitter: @ubikcapital or on Telegram channel: ubikcapital